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Tridimage diseño de packaging marca Fawna nutrición para mascotas

Mercado del proyecto

  • Argentina

    Imagen de la Bandera de Argentina

Fawna – Baires

Crafting a Robust Brand in the Super-Premium Pet Segment

1. The Challenge

Rivaling the Foremost Brands in Pet Nutrition

Baires, an Argentine company known for producing top-tier food for dogs and cats, boasts a product portfolio that holds a strong position in the forage and premium channels. The company made the strategic decision to launch a new brand with significant added value, aspiring to become the preferred choice for discerning pet owners. The objective was clear: to compete head-to-head with established international super-premium brands that have held a dominant market presence for over half a century. To accomplish this, the primary aim was to cultivate prestige by collaboratively defining the product's unique attributes, setting it apart from the leading brands in the segment, known for their specificity and commitment to innovation backed by scientific research.

Embarking on the venture of offering higher value-added products, we recognized the need to step up our game and compete on par with industry leaders. This led us to Tridimage, representing the company's boldest move to date. Throughout the process, we collaborated closely. After pinpointing our target audience, we delved into in-depth research of prevailing trends, meticulously crafted our storytelling, and coined a name closely aligned with the consumer profile we aimed to reach.
Marcos Giordano

Marcos Giordano Marketing Director at Baires

First Image Gallery

Tridimage diseño de packaging marca Fawna nutrición para mascotas
Tridimage análisis de competencia diseño de packaging marca Fawna
Tridimage análisis de público consumidor marca Fawna
Tridimage diseño de branding marca Fawna nutrición animal

2. The Solution

Patagonia: Our Source of Inspiration for Uniqueness

Our research delved into the global leaders of the super and ultra-premium pet food market. In order to forge an authentic and distinct visual identity, we turned to the unspoiled landscapes of Patagonia for inspiration. The brand narrative was crafted to emphasize not only the exceptional nutritional value derived from Patagonian ingredients, but also the deep emotional bond between individuals and their pets. Packaging played a pivotal role in narrating the product's story and attributes. The selection of a cutting-edge designed bag ensures an appealing image, proper preservation of the food, and ease of handling.

Segunda Gallería del Imágenes

Tridimage diseño de branding marca Fawna nutrición animal
Tridimage diseño de packaging marca Fawna nutrición animal
Tridimage diseño de packaging marca Fawna nutrición animal
Tridimage diseño de packaging línea alimento para perros marca Fawna
Mochila con packaging Fawna reciclado
Packaging Fawna en góndola punto de venta
Tridimage diseño de packaging línea alimento para gatos marca Fawna

3. The Results

Leading with Impact: Fawna Brand's Promise

Thanks to the implemented brand strategy and packaging design, Fawna Patagonic Taste has emerged as a frontrunner among super premium food brands at major retail outlets. Additionally, its distinctive narrative has garnered a robust social media community. Fawna proudly positions itself as a triple impact brand, championing animal welfare, societal well-being, and environmental consciousness. Through the establishment of a bag reuse program, it actively contributes to the rescue of abandoned pets and the creation of job opportunities.

Tridimage successfully translated the creative concept of our product into the sales arena, delivering on the promise of aesthetics while aligning seamlessly with the natural consumption habits of our target audience. The packaging not only met but exceeded our expectations; it has the potential to shine in any national or international retail setting. Their comprehensive approach across the entire business unit played a pivotal role in propelling Fawna to its current standing—just over a year into sales, our product is already gracing the shelves of the country's top-tier stores.
Marcos Giordano

Marcos Giordano Marketing Director at Baires

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